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Hi all,
We're starting a "feature presentation" series of posts to share more details about the game's mechanics and features.
In Rematch, there are a few different ways to release the ball when in possession; today, we'll focus on one of them: the Shoot mechanic. This is a versatile tool that requires solid skill to master completely - it can be used to score, but also to make long and precise passes. This mechanic has already been analyzed by the community based on the videos we've released, but this post should help confirm the details of this important feature!
Shots are performed by pressing RT/R2 (Right Trigger). The ball is kicked towards the crosshair (ie. the circle in the center of the screen). You can control the power of your shot: the longer the input is pressed, the more powerful the shot. You can release your shot faster by releasing the trigger earlier (or pressing it lightly). The shot won't be as powerful, but it can make all the difference when a defender is about to tackle!
Currently, the ball is shot at approximately 140km/h at max power, and slows down progressively due to air resistance. The current max build-up is 32 frames, plus 5 frames of freeze frame, which makes a total of 0.62s before the ball is fired: shoot is a strong commitment, you need to have some space before placing a powerful shot. All these parameters are subject to change before the beta - and even more so after the beta, once we get feedback from players! In any case, all updates in gameplay parameters will be shared once we start releasing patch notes.
Magnus Effect
Once the shoot input is given, and as the shot is building up, your character maintains their momentum until the ball is actually kicked. During this time, you can use your movement input (Left Stick on Gamepad) to put a spin on the ball, which will impact the ball’s trajectory through the Magnus effect. A left or right input will make the ball curve to the side, a down input makes the ball drop off quicker, and a top input will make the ball more floaty, sending it further away. Spins can be mixed together to precisely control the ball’s trajectory.
The ball will also curve differently depending on the shot power: with a low power shot, the spin is stronger, allowing the player to perform subtle shots which can be effective at tight angles, and harder to predict for opposing defenders.
Deflections and Deviations
When the ball has just been shot at full power, it will bounce off opposing players when hitting them, instead of being controlled like a regular moving ball - powerful shots can't be easily controlled! More information will be shared on this when we discuss Defense Stance and defensive moves.